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    回复:[求助]这两本书死在摇篮里了? 计算无语言 认知无实验 文本大腾挪 死胎应当然
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    本站现组团购买WST4,四折价格,欲购从速! 怎么了?
  3. L

    ★★ WordSmith Tool 4.0 团购 注册码发放完毕 ★★

    Group purchase may as well be started with some many willing buyers.
  4. L


    自筹多少,捐助多少,缺口多少. happyw是中国考试网的BOSS,给他做个链接,我想这点小钱,他会在乎吗?
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    回复:灌水:语料库语言学领域,你见过如此明目张胆的抄袭吗? http://news.sina.com.cn/c/2006-03-27/01198534092s.shtml 清华大学教授涉嫌学术造假被撤销教授职务
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    灌水,突然发现这篇文章,如骨哽在喉,不吐不快。借用句俗不可耐的话表达我此刻的心情: “我见过不要...,但没有见过如此不要....的。”请将本文与文后所传上的论文比较一下。 呜呼哀哉,我的疑问是:在这本颇有影响的专著中,还有多少篇“论文”也是如法炮制出的呢?
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    Sensing the Winds of Change:An Introduction to DDL

    灌水:在语料库语言学研究领域,你见过如此明目张胆的抄袭吗? 灌水,突然发现这篇文章,如骨哽在喉,不吐不快。借用句俗不可耐的话表达我此刻的心情: “我见过不要...,但没有见过如此不要....的。”请将本文与文后所传上的论文比较一下。 呜呼哀哉,我的疑问是:在这本颇有影响的专著中,还有多少篇“论文”也是如法炮制出的呢?
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    [转帖]我搞定期刊的经验 [沉着][乐观][幸运]

    回复:[转帖]我搞定期刊的经验 [沉着][乐观][幸运] 博士也天真啊
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    回复:SWECCL建库感想点滴 说得太玄乎了啊,在计算机辅助下,能和哪一部大型词典的编写相比?据管窥,SWECLL在选材方面,功利性要大于功能性。有真正意义上的spoken材料吗?得罪!
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    I'll try the MS WORD.
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    ICE-GB:Int"l Corpus of Eng:Great Britain component

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    ICE-GB:Int"l Corpus of Eng:Great Britain component

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    ICE-GB:Int"l Corpus of Eng:Great Britain component

    回复:ICE-GB I have done what you suggested for ICE-GB and got a full set of 500 texts, but when it comes to fragment searching, say, for "play", the same thing displayed with only three hits produced instead of more than 300 as indicated by "Getting Started". How can I get a full function of...
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    ICE-GB:Int"l Corpus of Eng:Great Britain component

    回复:ICE-GB could you pls tell us the name of the sampler and the exact website of ICE_GB? I do need your help. many thanks in advance.
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    Building subcorpora from the BNC

    回复:building subcorpora from the BNC where can we get a copy of BNC, pls?
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    [SHARE] NEW YORK TIMES 1995 (pos tagged)

    You can also use online storage to keep this big size data of yours.
  19. L


    I have it downloaded and installed. I works well. you may have it uninstalled first and then do the setup again. Be sure to use the key unzipped as "tmgwp167.EXE".Good luck.