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    回复: 哪里下载Coh-Metrix 伟大的网络封锁。
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    about books of semantic prosody

    回复: about books of semantic prosody Corpus,concordance,collocation这本书没有提到semantic prosody,不过这本书是语料库语言学研究的一部奠基之作。而且语义韵律的研究是基于Corpus,concordance,collocation的。
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    Studies in Corpus Linguistics (John Benjamins)两本新书简介

    Pattern Grammar Pattern Grammar
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    From Corpus to Classroom Language Use and Language Teaching

    From Corpus to Classroom Language Use and Language Teaching
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    Glossary of terms used in concordancing literature and on this site

    Glossary of terms used in concordancing literature and on this site Collocate A collocate is a word that appears with another word more often than simple chance would suggest. Thus, 'coffee' is a collocate of 'hot'. Usually, for a word to be considered as a collocate the word has to occur...
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    Concordancing Software

    Concordancing Software in order of price (most expensive at the top) This page lists a various types of 'software' that can be used to make concordances. Generally, the more expensive the item, the more functions it will have. You will find information for the following concordancers...
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    回复: 英语教学技术 运用技术进行教学
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    Bibliography of Concordance, Collocation, Corpus and Vocabulary related books

    Bibliography of Concordance, Collocation, Corpus and Vocabulary related books Aarts, J. (1991) Intuition-Based and Observation-Based Grammars. In Aijmer, K and B. Altenberg (eds), English Corpus Linguistics. London: Longman. Bahns, J. (1993). Lexical collocations: a contrastive view. ELT...
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    From Concord to Lexicon: Development and Test of a Corpus-Based Lexical Tutor

    From Concord to Lexicon: Development and Test of a Corpus-Based Lexical Tutor By Thomas Cobb PhD Thesis, Department of Educational Technology, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada (January, 1997).
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    回复: 检索工具哪个好用 editplus UltraEdit emeditor 这些文本编辑都具有很强的搜索功能。 当然用专门的语料库软件业好。
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    回复: 穷书生想读下列书 Word-Formation in English (Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics) .pdf
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    回复: 语义韵律和汉语修辞方面的资料 http://d.wanfangdata.com.cn/Periodical_csyj200806003.aspx 再传篇语义韵律方面的文章,网络得来。
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    回复: 语义韵律和汉语修辞方面的资料 这也是我们正在考虑的问题。不能将语义韵律和褒义词、贬义词混同起来,但一般而言,褒义词往往有褒义的语义韵律,贬义词往往有贬义的语义韵律。这在语言中算是显性的语义韵律了。因为太明显,就容易将它们的语义韵律看作词语本身的语义内容。即便如此,褒义词、贬义词所具有的语义韵律还是要算语义韵律。所说文章用例分析可能有些问题,但是基本思路还是按照语义韵律研究的基本思想进行的。 汉语语义韵律的研究比较薄弱,最早的研究当是陶红印老师,他探讨了“出现”类的几个动词。其实在西方的研究中,所提供的例子也是屈指可数,非常有限,虽然语义韵律的介绍几乎可以用铺天盖地来形容。
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    英语教学技术 运用检索技术来从事英语教学的介绍资料
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    McCarthy: Using corpora in language teaching

    回复: McCarthy: Using corpora in language teaching 本来就是全本啊。只是因为没有完整下载没有显示完全吧。
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    回复: 语义韵律和汉语修辞方面的资料 对语义韵律的理解不应该错。 具体的例子可能有些问题。 语义协调只是语义韵律的不同译名。同一个词语不同的人领会和应用可能不一样。 不知道陆先生的语义和谐律的具体内容是什么,和语料库语言学所讲的语义韵律是不是相同的概念?应该不是。网上查了一下,看到这么一则信息: 第十届汉语词汇语义学研讨会综述...
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    词汇中心教学法的交际观 the Lexical Approach (Lewis), the Lexical Syllabus (Willis), DDL (Johns)

    回复: 词汇中心教学法的交际观 the lexical approach, the lexical syllabus, DDL 家金作好文,已拜读。
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    How to Teach Vocabulary

    有兴趣的请下载 How to Teach Vocabulary 有兴趣的请下载 How to Teach Vocabulary 原版照相的图书,好好看看吧。十多兆。 在这里传了几次都传不上来。 到www.115.com下载吧。 账户xiajinwzp@msn.com 密码:23505902
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    McCarthy: Using corpora in language teaching

    回复: McCarthy: Using corpora in language teaching 在本站这里下载比较方便啊。 没注意,不是资料的全部。sorry.