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    网上查询语言学方向有,英语语言学(第二语习得与研究),英语语用学,现代语言学,现代英语语法,语义学/外语教学理论研究,测试学。 小硕学了语料库一点皮毛,对于上面的提到的现代语言学这个方向有点模糊,大家可否指点指点,有什么参考书目介绍的,多谢了。
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    [讨论]Are z-score and T-score identical?

    T-score in language testing: T=10Z+50. what about the statistics here?
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    got it! thank a lot![emq65][emm33]
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    then if it's an unannotated corpus, the frequency cannot be counted in that way? how about the taggers used in CLEC? many thanks
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    弱弱的问一下,比如, in addition , in CLEC, No.of words 1070602, No. of hits 18, frequency per million words 16.81. 如果是addition,毫无疑问, No. of words 1070602, No. of hits 173, frequency 161.59. in addition to 并不是单个单词, 总词数1070602是按单词数计算的。这样统计出来的词频正确吗? 另外 词频统计器也只能 按单个单词来排列, 不能把词块词组排列。 [本贴已被 作者 于...
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    Parallel image text corpus of Chinglish 开心译站

    回复:Parallel image text corpus of Chinglish not an exact parallel image of that, just for fun.
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    Parallel image text corpus of Chinglish 开心译站

    回复:Parallel image text corpus of Chinglish [本贴已被 Ocean 于 2005年08月24日 12时26分50秒 编辑过]
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    There is, however, one British word that causes me problems. `Cheers', as used by the British, has absolutely no American equivalent. It's used in particular with people you don't know. It's an I'm-just-recognizing-you-exist word. `Cheers' is what a store clerk says when you collect your...
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    模糊语言口语研究vagueness in speech

    Richard has already listed this paper, thanks all the same.
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    模糊语言口语研究vagueness in speech

    google上没有这两篇文章,图书馆电子资源上也找不到, 好遗憾啊, 很多文章都阅读不了。
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    模糊语言口语研究vagueness in speech

    回复:模糊语言口语研究 thanks for your instruction.
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    模糊语言口语研究vagueness in speech

    请教给位大虾一下哪里可以找到这两篇文章, channell, J. (1985) 'vagueness as a converstional strategy', Notingham linguistic circular , DE Cock, S,S Granger, G. leech and T. Mcenery. (1988) ''an automated approach to the phrasion of EFL learners
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    模糊语言口语研究vagueness in speech

    how the VL functions in discourse, i think as the name (fillers) shows, it finishes or helps to finish the discourse. I know i just got the superficial part , i am still at a loss how to accomplish the 30,000 words paper. what i know is far from enough for that paper.
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    模糊语言口语研究vagueness in speech

    to xujiajin: How will u approach the question from DA perspective? Could u give an example? i am still thinking about that. Jeorge Yule calls those words prfabricated fillers.
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    模糊语言口语研究vagueness in speech

    I really appreciate your help. accoding to the glossary of the two terms, sort of can be called hedge, the definition of vague language is, staments that sound imprecise and unaccertative. but i think sort of also has this function to make stament sound imprecise. then does sort of belong to...
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    模糊语言口语研究vagueness in speech

    以下是引用 xianx 在 2005-8-8 16:21:17 的发言: 好像有很多这样的词, 但是我想就具体到, things like that, or something else, and so on, and etc这类。应该是lexical items吧 These look to me like hedges or hedging strategies. They cannot be representative of linguistic vagueness. I do suggest you study hedges with...
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    模糊语言口语研究vagueness in speech

    i agree with u, but i don't want to conduct it from this angle. i want to write it from discourse anlysis point of view. is that feasible? to achieve the fluency of chinese english learners oral english, i think learn how to use the vague language is useful. other words like sort of...
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    模糊语言口语研究vagueness in speech

    many thanks to xujiajin. do you think i need to think from the semantic point of view.
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    模糊语言口语研究vagueness in speech

    i think it's identifiability
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    模糊语言口语研究vagueness in speech

    好像有很多这样的词, 但是我想就具体到, things like that, or something else, and so on, and etc这类。应该是lexical items吧