
  1. P


    回复: 请教:使用SPSS得到的卡方值怎么这么大? Thanks for your detailed answer.
  2. P


    回复: 请教:使用SPSS得到的卡方值怎么这么大? 谢谢! “开源统计软件R”是什么软件?怎么解释其卡方检验结果?它得出的结果跟spss是一样的吗?还有log-likelihood & chi-square calculator 1.0,它们得出的卡方值都是一样的吗?
  3. P


    有一组数据(请见附件)。要统计I proportion在CH和NS中的差异性。我输入了数据后(分别在变量1和变量2输入了相应数量的1和2)得到的卡方值是1917.478, p<.000. 觉得这个值有问题;但试了几次都如此。大家能帮忙统计一下吗?你们得出的值是多少呢?非常感谢!
  4. P


    回复: 请教:用AntConc提取词块出现问题 Thanks!
  5. P


    回复: 请教:用AntConc提取词块出现问题 Thank you very much, Xiaoz. I've downloaded ultracodingswitch and my problem is solved. I've also downloaded MLCT and tried to install it via its run_mlct_concordance_jar. However, it seems that it can't be installed. What's the problem? Thank you again for your help...
  6. P


    回复: 请教:用AntConc提取词块出现问题 Agree! Laurence, it worked properly now. Sorry for my carelessness. The problem is that I've too many files here and it's too time-consuming to transfer them manually into utf-8 files one by one. I've attached an original file here. Could you check and suggest which...
  7. P


    回复: 请教:用AntConc提取词块出现问题 谢谢!试了,同时把AntConc的Language Encodings也设置成utf-8,但还是不行。试了很多其它字体都不行,怎么办?!:confused:
  8. P


    回复: 请教:用AntConc提取词块出现问题 奇怪,在.txt文本好像不能另存为(utf-8)?是在“字体”栏选吧?如果不是,在哪里呢? 感谢各位的指点!
  9. P


    回复: 请教:用AntConc提取词块出现问题 是,我用其它的语料库也没问题。但是用这个语料库时就发生这种情况。估计跟语料库的字体啊什么的有关?但我把它改为Times New Roman或宋体后仍出现这种情况。请问问题可能出现在哪呢?
  10. P


    语料如下: <B> <overlap /> hi </B> <B> yeah <overlap /> all right </B> <B> I think that's the topic I'm interested in or I'd like to tell you about which is a country I have visited and: it is a country which has impressed me . obviously (erm) . to describe my visit and say why I found that...
  11. P


    回复: 请教检验方法 thanks! 可以用许博士他们研发的log-likelihood & chi-square calculator么?
  12. P


    欲比较学生与本族语者对某语法形式的使用差异 学生对语法形式的使用token是total 1, 其中子类别 a 的使用token是nns1,子类别b的使用token是nns2; 本族语者对语法形式的使用token是total 2, 其中子类别 a 的使用token是ns1,子类别b的使用token是ns2; 其中total 1和total 2的token不相同。 欲比较nns1 vs. ns1 (即nns1/total1 vs. ns1 vs. total 2)在比例上的差异,该用什么检验方法? 非常感谢!
  13. P


    回复: 何安平老师简介(合集) 不是的.何老师也招外校的
  14. P

    求Hoey, M. 2002. Textual colligation: a special kind of lexical priming.

    回复: 求Hoey, M. 2002. Textual colligation: a special kind of lexical priming. Thanks, fountainli. But somehow I just can't download it. Could anyone please help to download it and then upload it here? Thanks.
  15. P

    求Hoey, M. 2002. Textual colligation: a special kind of lexical priming.

    Does anyone have the paper and would like to share it? Hoey, M. 2002. Textual colligation: a special kind of lexical priming. In Aijmer, K & Altenberg, B. (eds.). Language and Computers, Rodopi: 171-194. Thanks a lot!
  16. P

    求:Howarth, P., 1998a. Phraseology and second language proficiency. Applied Linguistic

    回复: 求:Howarth, P., 1998a. Phraseology and second language proficiency. Applied Lingui Thank you very much!
  17. P

    求:Howarth, P., 1998a. Phraseology and second language proficiency. Applied Linguistic

    回复: 求:Howarth, P., 1998a. Phraseology and second language proficiency. Applied Lingui Thanks, I also have this one. However, does anyone have the pdf version?
  18. P

    求:Howarth, P., 1998a. Phraseology and second language proficiency. Applied Linguistic

    Howarth, P. Phraseology and Second Language Proficiency [J]. Applied Linguistics 19/1, 1998: 24-44. Thanks in advance!
  19. P

    求: Stubbs, 1996. Text and corpus analyses. Blackwell.

    回复: 求: Stubbs, 1996. Text and corpus analyses. Blackwell. Thank you.
  20. P

    求: Stubbs, 1996. Text and corpus analyses. Blackwell.

    Who has it and is willing to share it? A million thanks!