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    A question about word numbers in WS4 and office word

    回复: A question about word numbers in WS4 and office word In addition, the word numbers I mentioned here is "chinese characters". So, is language a problem???
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    A question about word numbers in WS4 and office word

    回复: A question about word numbers in WS4 and office word :) thankyou, but I have deleted all punctution in my text. This is why it's so bizarre!!
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    A question about word numbers in WS4 and office word

    Recently, I've encountered a problem about counting word numbers. If I didn't misunderstand, "tokens (running words) in the text" of WS4 is the total word numbers, then why the word numbers in the office word is different from that of WS4???? For example, my total word numbers in WS4 are...
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    why is my article deleted??

    回复: why is my article deleted?? Sorry for responding so late~ The title I posted is “Ask for three articles, tks” Here are the contents: "The role of corpora in investigating the linguistic behaviour of professional translators" by Mona Baker "Corpora in translation studies: an overview and...
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    why is my article deleted??

    This afternoon, I released an information about searching Mona Baker's and Hermans' articles, but why is it deleted?? If I do anything wrong, please me. Tks