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    xiara query的listing结果保存失败,如何在xiara中根据不同pos来制作带词频的词表

    回复: xiara query的listing结果保存失败,如何在xiara中根据不同pos来制作带词频的词表 值得注意的是,上面提到的“For a frequency list of POS categories, why do it yourself? There are book-length discussions of such statistics available: http://www.comp.lancs.ac.uk/ucrel/bncfreq/flists.html” ,该书的词频表做得很好,但它是基于BNC world 版本,现在用的是BNC xml 版本,...
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    从BNC中根据age group来提取text

    回复: 从BNC中根据age group来提取text Second, the Structure of BNC XML edition make it difficult for wordsmith to extract words sploken by different agegroups. This XML file states several speakers of different ages first in the heading part. There will be a unqiue xml:id for each speaker of different...
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    从BNC中根据age group来提取text

    回复: 从BNC中根据age group来提取text For function grouping of texts according to different settings, eg, age groups, I can't make it work. According to the website you sent to me http://www.lexically.net/downloads/version4/handling_bnc/processing_dave_lees_class_cod.htm there are class codes for...
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    回复: [求助]有关语料库语言学对于词典编纂的启示的文献 1. Corpora in Applied Linguistics by Susan Hunston (2002) 2.Computer Corpus Lexicography by Vincent B.Y. Ooi (1998) 3. Using Corpora for Language Research by Jenny Thomas and Mick Short.(1996)
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    antconc 3.2.1和wordsmith4.0对比,有哪些缺点?

    回复: antconc 3.2.1和wordsmith4.0对比,有哪些缺点? 如果处理较大的预料,个人经验得知,要注意物理内存和虚拟内存的问题,即使物理内存大,但运行前,如果不进行垃圾清理和分配较大的虚拟内存就容易出现死机的现象。不妨试试!
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    antconc 3.2.1和wordsmith4.0对比,有哪些缺点?

    回复: antconc 3.2.1和wordsmith4.0对比,有哪些缺点? 首先,在输入files时,AntConc 3.2.w比wordsmith 4.0逊色。 AntConc 3.2.w可以从open files 和open dir两种途径去输入files,但在open dir这项中每次只能选中一个文件夹,不能用shift同时选中几个,如我想同时输入BNC text中的A和B文件夹,不行,要么选A,要么选B。wordsmith 4.0 则增删文档比较方便。 其次,在处理较多文档时容易死机。比如我用它来处理BNC text文件夹下的B文件夹文档,做pos="ADJ"...
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    [下载]BNC Word List for use with WordSmith

    回复: [下载]BNC Word List for use with WordSmith Dear Xiaoz, First, thanks for your uploading of BNC wordlist. However, the BNC wordlist for wordsmith 3.0 contains around 166,962 words while the BNC wordlist for wordsmith 4.o contains about 512,588 wrods. Why is there such a big difference? Are...
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    的wordsimth 5.0对BNC XML edition 做了BNC的新词表wordlist

    wordsimth 5.0对BNC XML edition 做了BNC的新词表wordlist 对于研究语料库来说,如果有合适的软件,我们就可以亲自试验得出自己所要的数据,美哉!。值得一提的是,Mike Scott做了一个BNC的wordlist (http://www.lexically.net/wordsmith/),含有五十多万词,然而我最近用他的wordsimth 5.0对BNC XML edition 做了BNC的新词表,结果含有六十多万词,用wordsmith 3.0对BNC XML edition...
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    xiara query的listing结果保存失败,如何在xiara中根据不同pos来制作带词频的词表

    谢谢,前面两位高人的指导,诚然Word Frequencies in Written and Spoken English一书非常有,对我的研究受益匪浅。然而,目前我需要的是电子版的不同词性的wordlist 和词频表,用于进一步的计算机处理和词汇研究。我总不能用手去输入四五十万的单词,所以希望通过xiara或其他软件来提取不同pos的wordlist...
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    xiara query的listing结果保存失败,如何在xiara中根据不同pos来制作带词频的词表

    I tried to extract words according to different parts of speech via xiara. For example, I want to make a wordlist of all the nouns in BNC and all the adj in BNC. There are only 378,111 hits for INTERJ in BNC which carries the least number in the search result. I did an experiment on it in order...