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    向Biber学习!lexical bundles and paper bundles:)

    还漏了一篇: Altenberg,B (1993) Recurrent word combinations in spoken English. In J.D'Arcy (Ed), Proceedings of the Fifth Nordic Association for English Studies Conference.(pp.17-27). Reykjavik: University of Iceland.
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    向Biber学习!lexical bundles and paper bundles:)

    回复:向Biber学习!lexical bundles and paper bundles:) 先向大家拜个晚年,狗年旺旺! 我想问一下这个帖子上Biber 及他的学生的那几篇文章谁有呢?有些我已经有了,还有3个,分别是: 1.Biber, D. and Conrad, S. 1999. ‘Lexical bundles in conversation and academic prose’ in H. Hasselgard and S. Oksefjell (eds.) Out of Corpora: Studies in Honour of Stig. Johansson...
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    Lexical bundle in academic writing

    Thanks for all your help!
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    向Biber学习!lexical bundles and paper bundles:)

    Thanks a lot, Mr Xiao and Dr. Xu Jiajin!
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    向Biber学习!lexical bundles and paper bundles:)

    请教: 那些2 to 6-word lexical bundles是怎么出来的呢? 我看了几篇关于lexical bundles 的文章,都是只列出了结果,没写那些bundles 是从语料库里怎么出来的步骤.是不是用wordsmith就可以直接出来了呢?我看过wordsmith的帮助说明,但好象不怎么会用