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    Multimodal text analysis: A corpus linguistic approach to situated discourse

    回复: Multimodal text analysis: A corpus linguistic approach to situated discourse 想请教一下许老师一个关于多模态语料库的菜鸟问题,就是除了现有的Anthony Baldry 等一众学者开发的MCA(多模态语料库标注系统)外,是否还有关于图文方面(如杂志,报刊等)的多模态语料库呢?
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    求Susan Hunston的博士论文,非常感谢!

    回复: 求Susan Hunston的博士论文,非常感谢! Thank u !!!
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    求Susan Hunston的博士论文,非常感谢!

    回复: 求Susan Hunston的博士论文,非常感谢! daqunz, would u please upload the articles you've requested from Dr. Hunston, cuz i m writing my thesis and in bad need of some of the references concerning 'evaluation'? Do wish u could help. Thanks a lot:)
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    [推荐]Biber: Grammatical marking of stance

    回复: [推荐]Biber: Grammatical marking of stance A Big Thanks!:D
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    [推荐]Biber: Grammatical marking of stance

    回复: [推荐]Biber: Grammatical marking of stance 请问楼主应如何下载您提供的 Dr. Biber的论文?想请问为什么我点击链接只出现论坛的主页而下载不了论文呢?