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    BNC world 的使用

    回复:BNC world 的使用 Thank you. 原来问题出在启用了瑞星杀毒软件,占用CPU太大,所以sara无法与server连上。
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    BNC world 的使用

    启动Sara 后,为何一直是initializing waiting?
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    回复:双语句对数据库 检索结果中可以看出平行句的源文是从英到中,还是从中到英的吗?
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    [求助] how to use BNC sampler

    Thank you, Dr. Xiao. I'm sorry to learn you'll have an operation. Hope you're well.
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    [求助] how to use BNC sampler

    回复:[求助] how to use BNC sampler I have solved the second problem mentioned above. A new problem arises. I followed the instruction of Wordsmith manual and typed in <w NN1>* <w NN1>* to search sequence of two singular common nouns in the BNC Sampler but failed. What might be wrong? There is no...
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    [求助] how to use BNC sampler

    questions about the usage of BNC sampler: 1. How could I find out all the words that are tagged as degree words (RG) in BNC sampler? 2. How to use Wordsmith to make queries in BNC sampler? There are three files in the corpus: xml, usr, index. but no similar text file as Lob and Brown. I...
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    [求助]Similar tools that manage Chinese references?

    Thank you. Which edition of Endnote do you use? I have been using Endnote 8.0.1. But it has problems with Chinese quotation marks. For example: モ 借鉴一定要注意消化,先弄明白人家的理论与方法的本质、结构、功能、实用范围及局限性,而后结合自己的研究,寻找二者的结合点,在结合中产生新的认识、新的概念。ヤ And the function of creating bibliography is not stable. It keeps on...
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    [求助]Similar tools that manage Chinese references?

    Who knows any good notetaking software other than Endnote (not appropriate for Chinese)? [本贴已被 xujiajin 于 2006年01月09日 20时59分06秒 编辑过]
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    [求助]the application of BNC

    thank you very much. Dr. Xiao.
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    [求助]the application of BNC

    How could I copy the whole solutions of a BNC query in the mode of KWIC into notepad or Word file. I clicked the Copy button and pasted it in a Word file, but only one solution in long context was successfully pasted in my word file. I clicked the Listing button, all solutions were pasted but...
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    [求助]Where can I find corpus linguistics tutorials?

    Wow! So many good stuffs. Thank you very much.
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    [求助]Where can I find corpus linguistics tutorials?

    where could i find corpus linguistics tutorials? I once read something about how to compare corpora of different size in a tutorial. Any articles or books about this?[本贴已被 xiaoz 于 2005年11月17日 03时11分26秒 编辑过]
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    Xaira: a review

    Thank you very much. Hope one day I could also write programs!
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    Xaira: a review

    My search of "fully" also returned 419 intances. These are the first few concordances("carefully" and "successfully "as key word): 1. And Mr Major will have to tread care fully RR . 2.In that time , its owner - 68-year-old Councillor John Peck , DFC - has success fully RR negotiated...
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    Xaira: a review

    thank you! i'll try later. By the way, where could I find the tagsets for Flob? Are they same with those of BNC. I typed in the tagsets of BNC in the FLob web concordancer. Some worked, some failed. I typed in "fully", words like "carefully, hopefully" come out. Too many solutions. But what i...
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    Xaira: a review

    ok, I could explore LCMC with new version of xaira now. But the three problems I mentioned above are still not solved yet. I’m sorry to bother you with such trivial technical things. Dr. Xiao. But I simply could not find anyone for advice. Does anyone else like to experiment with xaira? Please...
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    Xaira: a review

    In your previous post of HOW TO USE XAIRA STEP BY STEP , you said "I believe you have downloaded the wrong version of Xaira. You have got the latest release 1.14 while this version of LCMC requires Xaira 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, or 1.13. " My question is "is the new version 1.16 can be used to expore...