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    求助一本有关教学的书Practice Teaching: A Reflective Approach

    求助一本有关教学的书Practice Teaching: A Reflective Approach Jack C. Richards and Thomas S. C. Farrell Cambridge University Press 拜托啊,我的地址:zyj1149@126.com
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    求助文献一篇ProQuest Dissertations & Theses (PQDT) database一篇

    回复: 求助文献一篇ProQuest Dissertations & Theses (PQDT) database一篇 感谢"J. Q. Li" ;"ByronChang"文件已经收到!!:) Thank you!
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    求助文献一篇ProQuest Dissertations & Theses (PQDT) database一篇

    Foreign language reading anxiety: Investigating English-speaking university students learning Chinese as a foreign language in the United States by Zhao, Aiping, Ph.D., The Florida State University, 2009, 168 pages; AAT 3374058 http://proquest.umi.com/pqdlink?did=1882660201&Fmt=7&clientI...
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    brill tagger

    回复: brill tagger 太好了,谢谢管理员laohong无私的帮助!!!真的像是走到胡同里,又豁然开朗了!
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    大学英语教材语料库COLEN 薛学彦

    回复: 大学英语教材语料库 谢谢啊
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    brill tagger

    回复: brill tagger 我是一位新手,也面临同样的问题, GoTagger can be installed through the following steps. Download "GoTagger.zip" from here Unzip it into a folder of your choice (e.g. "C:\GoTagger\"). Download Brill's tagger if necessary. Copy the 10 rule files in "Bin_and_Data" folder in Brill's tagger...
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    回复: 小许的语料天涯更新版 谢谢许博士给我们提供这么多的资源!!!!!