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    Where can i get Hong Kong University Cantonese Corpus

    Where can i get the Hong Kong University Cantonese Corpus 香港粵語語料庫?
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    The multimodal concordancer MCA(Multimodal Corpus Authoring System)

    回复: The multimodal concordancer MCA(Multimodal Corpus Authoring System) Sorry , i dont mean that... i am just aware this concordancer... as for others, i am not familair with adn dont know... that 's why i would like to ask...
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    The multimodal concordancer MCA(Multimodal Corpus Authoring System)

    回复: The multimodal concordancer MCA(Multimodal Corpus Authoring System) that 's mean it had better give up the issue of MCA in this stage... ?? SAD
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    The multimodal concordancer MCA(Multimodal Corpus Authoring System)

    回复: The multimodal concordancer MCA(Multimodal Corpus Authoring System) so how can ppl conduct multimodal corpus? SAD
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    The multimodal concordancer MCA(Multimodal Corpus Authoring System)

    I am a beginner in multimodality. I read the paper and it states that "MCA is an online multimodal concordancer (http://mca.unipv.it/) that, besides functioning as a text-based concordancer, allows users to retrieve recurrent patterns in a corpus of multimodal texts preserving them in their...
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    How to extract the frequency of Passive Voice and Active Voice

    回复: How to extract the frequency of Passive Voice and Active Voice I understnad the function of these. I jsut want to know how to extract the frequency of active voice. How to get the entire frequency and then subtract the part of Passive?
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    How to extract the frequency of Passive Voice and Active Voice

    回复: How to extract the frequency of Passive Voice and Active Voice And one more question about the Passive. From the compainion website , http://www.routledge.com/textbooks/0415286239/resources/default.html then click the File-based search patterns for use with the search algorithms (case...
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    How to extract the frequency of Passive Voice and Active Voice

    I would like to ask for help about the extract of Passive and Active in a corpus tagged with CLAWS tagset 7. According to Corpus-Based Languages Studies, the search pattern for passive are the followings *_VB* *_V?N *_VB* *_R* *_V?N *_VB* *_R* *_R* *_V?N *_VB* *_N* *_V?N *_VB* *_N* *_R* *_V?N...
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    Papers of Chinese Learner Corpora

    回复: Papers of Chinese Learner Corpora Thx a lot. I have one more question. Are there any researchers have investigated the learner corpora of HONGKONG students e.g university? I have so far realized that John Milton has some paper in this. How about any others?
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    Papers of Chinese Learner Corpora

    回复: Papers of Chinese Learner Corpora Yes, i am totoally lost when surfing in the sea of literature... May be I put my question in this way Which Chinese scholoars are more reputable in Chinese Learners cropora? Maybe I can start with these scholaors first.
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    Error tagging programe, Is it available

    回复: Error tagging programe, Is it available what kinds of computer tools are employed?
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    Error tagging programe, Is it available

    I would like to know if there is an error tagging programe that approximately tag the error found in the text? Or it can be only be done by spoting the error with native or high proficient marker MANUALLY??? thx for answering>>~ :)
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    Papers of Chinese Learner Corpora

    I am a research assistant and my boss would like me to conduct a literature review on the error of Chinese learners . I have been reviewing lots of journals about Chinese learner corpora through Google scholar. But it seems it is not quite effieicnt. Could anyone know which journals are more...