
  1. [求助]请问tertium composition是什么意思?

    回复: [求助]请问tertium composition是什么意思? tertium comparationis maybe a term used in contrastive rhetoric as well as translation studies. Could refer to Connor & Moreno, 2005
  2. 五本教育研究方面的新电子书免费下载

    回复: 五本教育研究方面的新电子书免费下载 Thanks, laohong
  3. 请教:语篇标记语也属于立场标记语?

    回复: 请教:语篇标记语也属于立场标记语? usually/generally speaking/Generally It appears to me that the above expressions are more like uncertainty markers than certainty markers. Compared with expressions like "always" , the speaker/writer tend to use "usually/generally speaking/Generally" to hedge his/her...
  4. metadiscourse/stance studies on oral English

    回复: metadiscourse/stance studies on oral English hi, I'm also insterested in the topic of metadiscourse, maybe we can share with each other. I happen to encounter a book which might interest you: University language : a corpus-based study of spoken and written registers by Biber, Douglas.(2006).