PhD Scholarship opportunities at XJTLU (for Liverpool, UK PhD)

XJTLU offers a range of scholarships to highly motivated and qualified candidates to pursue research leading to a PhD degree. Successful applicants may receive financial support including:

* A tuition fee scholarship for up to three years

* A monthly stipend for up to three years

Applications for a PhD in the Department of English (where I work) follow what is known as PGRS-B.


Student applicants propose research project and apply for PGRS-B scholarship

• The cluster evaluation panel reviews the application and in consultation with the Graduate School makes the funding recommendations, which will be approved by the University Research Committee

• Two deadlines each year:

First round– applications submitted by 17:00 CST(UTC+8), 15 October will be reviewed in the first round and the successful scholarship recipients will be announced in December.

Second round– applications submitted by 17:00 CST(UTC+8), 15 April will be reviewed in the second round and the successful scholarship recipients will be announced in June.

Detailed Information can be accessed here:

Should there have any enquiries about Postgraduate Research Scholarship, please e-mail Graduate School at

Several staff in the Department of English do research in corpus linguistics. Take a look at our department's staff profiles for more details:

Best wishes,


Dr. Stephen Jeaco
Associate Professor,
Department of English, XJTLU, China