Since announcing the public availability of The Prime Machine about 2 years ago, versions for Windows 64 Bit, MacOS, iOS and Android have been developed and some new features have been added. The tablet/phone versions still need some cosmetic adjustments, but if you are interested in using the iPhone/iPad version it can be installed and used for free using Apple’s official TestFlight App. Teachers, students and researchers (and anyone interested) can use this link: As before, Windows versions can be installed for free from the Microsoft Store, while for MacOS is a free download from the website for an Apple notarized version. All links can be found on Over the last few months and years, I’ve published several papers exploring some special features of tPM including concordance line sorting, concordance cards, handling of collocations, features for vocabulary needs analysis, and how it can be used to explore metadata/text labels in new ways.
tPM has many features for its readymade corpora (hosted on the server), and also many features for analyzing DIY corpora. The game mode is still in early development.
Performance and usability of tPM seems pretty stable from my perspective, particularly for users with fast internet connections to East China, where the server is based.
Looking forward, I’m currently reflecting on whether users (or potential users) would be interested in a mirror server for tPM to be hosted outside China; what possibilities exist for free access to a wider range of corpora; how best to distribute the Android version; and whether re-recording videos or developing additional materials on how to use tPM for language learning, dissertation editing and UG/PG research projects would be helpful.
tPM is completely free. But it takes a lot of time and some not insignificant costs for development. In the absence of international conference networking, some comments or input or discussions about possible partnerships would be most welcome. If you have suggestions, you’re interested in collaborating or you find tPM useful, please send me a message. I noticed someone had written some excellent descriptions in Chinese about tPM 32 Bit on a software distribution platform! Would be great to hear from you!
tPM has many features for its readymade corpora (hosted on the server), and also many features for analyzing DIY corpora. The game mode is still in early development.
Performance and usability of tPM seems pretty stable from my perspective, particularly for users with fast internet connections to East China, where the server is based.
Looking forward, I’m currently reflecting on whether users (or potential users) would be interested in a mirror server for tPM to be hosted outside China; what possibilities exist for free access to a wider range of corpora; how best to distribute the Android version; and whether re-recording videos or developing additional materials on how to use tPM for language learning, dissertation editing and UG/PG research projects would be helpful.
tPM is completely free. But it takes a lot of time and some not insignificant costs for development. In the absence of international conference networking, some comments or input or discussions about possible partnerships would be most welcome. If you have suggestions, you’re interested in collaborating or you find tPM useful, please send me a message. I noticed someone had written some excellent descriptions in Chinese about tPM 32 Bit on a software distribution platform! Would be great to hear from you!