To get the frequency of certan lexical items, usually you don't have to get the texts.
Not every data set is fully publicly available, and this is quite understandable.
thank you! but my thesis proposal is to study the the rhetorical patterns of Chinese students' writing with the application of functional grammar. so i suggest i need every detail of the writing, such as the theme and reheme of every sentence. doesn't the corpus include all of the sentences of the students' writing? i am a starter of corpus linguistics. would you be so kind to tell me how can i find a corpus with every whole text? looking forward to your early repley! thank you very much!!!
中国学习者英语语料库(Chinese Learner English Corpus,CLEC)是国家社科基金“九五”规划项目“基于语料库的中国学习者英语失误分析”(Corpus-based Analysis of Chinese Learner English,CBACLE)的一个重要组成部分。本书论述了中国学习者英语语料库研究方法,包括:如何建立CLEC,如何对CLEC进行统计分析。此外,还收录了据此方法所得的CLEC的各种统计资料和列表;所附光盘还载有研究时所需的工具软件以及CLEC的各种语料数据。 本书所述的语料库语言学研究方法对研究中国学习者英语的特点具有开创性的意义,该方法亦可用于其他二语习得的研究;书中的研究结果对推进我国英语教学的意义也是深远的,如编辑词典、编写教材、语言测试,等.