xujiajin 管理员 Staff member 2005-11-03 #2 Parsed data refer to texts that have been syntactically annotated. "Tagged" here means POS-tagged--Part-of-Speech tagged. But tagging is used by some as a generic term for linguistic annotations at all levels.
Parsed data refer to texts that have been syntactically annotated. "Tagged" here means POS-tagged--Part-of-Speech tagged. But tagging is used by some as a generic term for linguistic annotations at all levels.
xujiajin 管理员 Staff member 2005-11-03 #3 parsing 句法分析 n. /'pa:zing/: syntactic analysis to parse 句法分析 vt/vi. /'pa:z/: to do syntactic analysis to linguistic forms/structures parser 句法分析器 n. /'pa:zE/: a mechanism or tool that does the syntactic analysis
parsing 句法分析 n. /'pa:zing/: syntactic analysis to parse 句法分析 vt/vi. /'pa:z/: to do syntactic analysis to linguistic forms/structures parser 句法分析器 n. /'pa:zE/: a mechanism or tool that does the syntactic analysis