Forum Rules of Etiquette

Haiyang Ai

Corpus4u.com论坛是专门为其会员提供服务的场所,为了使其帖子以语料库及语料库语言学为中心,提高帖子质量,促进论坛健康稳定的发展,特制定“论坛使用规则”如下, 望各位会员都能认真遵守:
The, discussion forums are a private service provided to users as a community focal point, for the purpose of discussing topics related to corpus and corpus linguistics, bettering discussing postings, and promoting its steady and sound development.
The Forum Rules of Etiquette have been created as follows, by posting a message in the forums, you agree to be bound by these Rules:

1. 发贴题目要写详细
1. Write detailed titles

发贴题目应该尽可能的详细描述发帖的内容。 如果发贴题目不详细,我们可能会编辑该帖。
Posting titles should be as descriptive of their content as possible. If they are not, they may be edited.

2. 禁止跑题
2. Stay on point

Postings should not stray from the topics introduced in each thread, neither off the subject.

3. 工作语言为汉语或英语
3. Both Chinese and English as working language

4. 禁止做广告
4. No advertising

禁止在论坛上做所有形式的商业广告。 所有任何提及任何产品或服务的帖都将被删除!
All forms of commercial solicitation are prohibited.

5. 发帖必须保持其专业性
5. Professionalism

The use of profanity, obscenities, or objectionable language is prohibited.

6. 禁止进行人身攻击
6. No attacks

7. 勿谈政治
7. No politics

Posting content that is political, religious, or that may be considered offensive by other members, is not allowed.