seanxpq corpus explorer 2005-11-20 #1 以前曾经很容易的从PROJECT GUTENBERG中下载过文件,因为所有的文件全部都按照名称(字母顺序),就向那个俄罗斯的电子图书馆一样,列在那里。现在怎么也找不到那个页面了,非常遗憾!不知道哪位大侠可以指点一下?谢谢!
以前曾经很容易的从PROJECT GUTENBERG中下载过文件,因为所有的文件全部都按照名称(字母顺序),就向那个俄罗斯的电子图书馆一样,列在那里。现在怎么也找不到那个页面了,非常遗憾!不知道哪位大侠可以指点一下?谢谢!
清风出袖 高级会员 2005-11-20 #2 It does work. Going to the site, then click the online book catalogue, choose the author or the title you want to look through. For example, I find a novel by Mark Twain at the URL:
It does work. Going to the site, then click the online book catalogue, choose the author or the title you want to look through. For example, I find a novel by Mark Twain at the URL:
laohong 管理员 Staff member 2005-11-20 #3 yes, it just works well as usual. Try it with this link: