
This is arranged for system stability and space management.
We can surely re-arrange that if special needs are arised.
Thanks for your advice!
It'll be better if you can also post a brief introduction, or, at least the title, of each article, so that we may know what we are to download. Here are the titles of the five articles you posted above:

中国大学生英语虚化动词搭配型式研究 by 邓耀臣 肖德法

中国大学生英语写作中的使役结构及相应的词化现象调查与分析 by 张继东 刘 萍

中国学生使用英语形容词时的非母语性-----以“af raid”为例 by 张立飞

基于英语学习者语料库的主题词研究 by 李文忠

汉语写作能力对英语写作质量的影响 by 王立非 孙晓坤
philipw101, pls use 搜索本站
to make sure whether the papers have been uploaded or not.

What oscar3 said upstairs is quite right. The server space is charged by the hosting service provider.
if you have a lot of the latest publications from famous periodicals, pls share them with us. we need them badly!!!
Those papers are written by Chinese and can be easily downloaded from CNKI by anyone who can get access to it, so I think ...What we need most are those original papers by researchers from abroad. Do u agree?
For those who are not in China and also those whose schools have no access to CNKI, it's good to upload some articles related to the theme of this website. Of course, to save the server space (and save time and trouble to upload what have been already done by others), it's always a good practice to do a search before uploading anything "new".
anyway, uploading these articles is to be appreciated by those who have no access to CNKI. In the meantime, reading at home is more convenient . Except more wonderful articles.