识 识途老马 初级会员 2005-12-29 #1 Panther, K.U. (1997). Dative Alternation from a Cognitive Perspective. In B. Smieja & M. Tash (Eds.), Human Contact Through Language and Linguistics (pp.106-26). Frankfurt a.M: Peter Lang 前几天在国图查过了,没有该文。不知那位大虾手上有,让我分享一下。先行谢过了!
Panther, K.U. (1997). Dative Alternation from a Cognitive Perspective. In B. Smieja & M. Tash (Eds.), Human Contact Through Language and Linguistics (pp.106-26). Frankfurt a.M: Peter Lang 前几天在国图查过了,没有该文。不知那位大虾手上有,让我分享一下。先行谢过了!