xujiajin 管理员 Staff member 2005-12-29 #1 comic_crosstalk 相声文本 http://forum.corpus4u.org/upload/forum/2005122922545485.rar
xujiajin 管理员 Staff member 2006-01-02 #6 回复:comic_crosstalk 相声文本 以下是引用 动态语法 在 2006-1-2 14:07:34 的发言: Good stuff. Thanks. What's the source? Click to expand... I got it from an FTP site. Actually almost all the audio files can be downloaded too.
回复:comic_crosstalk 相声文本 以下是引用 动态语法 在 2006-1-2 14:07:34 的发言: Good stuff. Thanks. What's the source? Click to expand... I got it from an FTP site. Actually almost all the audio files can be downloaded too.