laohong 管理员 Staff member 2006-01-28 #1 Analyzing Online Discussion You can download it from: ID: corpus4u Pass:
Analyzing Online Discussion You can download it from: ID: corpus4u Pass:
laohong 管理员 Staff member 2006-01-29 #6 回复:Analyzing Online Discussion 以下是引用 清风出袖 在 2006-1-28 22:50:43 的发言: How can I acknowledge the source of the article, laohong? Thanks a lot! Click to expand... Here is the reference: Wong, Yiu Tung. 2005. CZTalk: Applying Information Visualization Techniques to Analyze Online Discussions. Unpublished master thesis. Simon Fraser Univeristy, Canada. [本贴已被 作者 于 2006年01月29日 09时53分33秒 编辑过]
回复:Analyzing Online Discussion 以下是引用 清风出袖 在 2006-1-28 22:50:43 的发言: How can I acknowledge the source of the article, laohong? Thanks a lot! Click to expand... Here is the reference: Wong, Yiu Tung. 2005. CZTalk: Applying Information Visualization Techniques to Analyze Online Discussions. Unpublished master thesis. Simon Fraser Univeristy, Canada. [本贴已被 作者 于 2006年01月29日 09时53分33秒 编辑过]