oscar3 高级会员 2006-02-13 #1 I received Barlow's softwares with a sheet reminding me returning it to Athestan. I wonder if it is neccessary for me to do so. Thank you! [本贴已被 作者 于 2006年02月13日 19时40分26秒 编辑过]
I received Barlow's softwares with a sheet reminding me returning it to Athestan. I wonder if it is neccessary for me to do so. Thank you! [本贴已被 作者 于 2006年02月13日 19时40分26秒 编辑过]
xujiajin 管理员 Staff member 2006-02-13 #2 Drop a message to Barlow's mailbox. the address left by Barlow on http://www.athel.com/corpus.html mi.barlow@auckland.ac.nz
Drop a message to Barlow's mailbox. the address left by Barlow on http://www.athel.com/corpus.html mi.barlow@auckland.ac.nz
hancunxin Moderator 2006-02-13 #3 回复:Shall I return the Reg card? i am sorry. i didn't buy the software.