Haiyang Ai
Title: MWE and MT Workshop in Beijing: Call for Papers
1. Workshop name: Chinese Multi-Word Expressions and Machine Translation Workshop
Jointly Organized by UCREL, Lancaster University & CCID (China Centre for Information Industry Development)
2. Date: June 9-10, 2006
3. Venue: Event Room, 2nd floor, CCID Mansion, 66 Zizhuyuan Road, Beijing, China
4. Focus and Content of the workshop
1) Extraction of Chinese multiword expressions (MWE)
2) Design, standard and building of Chinese MWE database
3) Chinese MWE classification and analysis
4) Automatic computer processing of Chinese MWEs
5) Strategy and algorithms of Chinese MWE translation in MT
6) Other application studies such as corpus linguistics, MT and cross-lingual information retrieval etc.
5. Chairman of Program Committee
Prof. Xu Xiaolan, Vice-president of China Center for Information Industry Development (CCID)
Dr. Paul Rayson, Director of UCREL, Computing Department, Lancaster University, UK
6. Deadline for the submission of abstracts
May 10, 2006
7. Please email the abstract of paper to info@trans.ccidnet.com
8. Person to Contact for enquiries;
Yuan Qi (yq@trans.ccidnet.com)
9. Workshop registration Fee:
RMB 600Yuan (Inclusive of Tea-breaks, Lunch and workshop proceedings)
Papers can be written either in Chinese or English.
Dr. Scott Songlin Piao
Computing Department
Lancaster University
Lancaster LA1 4WA
United Kingdom
Title: MWE and MT Workshop in Beijing: Call for Papers
1. Workshop name: Chinese Multi-Word Expressions and Machine Translation Workshop
Jointly Organized by UCREL, Lancaster University & CCID (China Centre for Information Industry Development)
2. Date: June 9-10, 2006
3. Venue: Event Room, 2nd floor, CCID Mansion, 66 Zizhuyuan Road, Beijing, China
4. Focus and Content of the workshop
1) Extraction of Chinese multiword expressions (MWE)
2) Design, standard and building of Chinese MWE database
3) Chinese MWE classification and analysis
4) Automatic computer processing of Chinese MWEs
5) Strategy and algorithms of Chinese MWE translation in MT
6) Other application studies such as corpus linguistics, MT and cross-lingual information retrieval etc.
5. Chairman of Program Committee
Prof. Xu Xiaolan, Vice-president of China Center for Information Industry Development (CCID)
Dr. Paul Rayson, Director of UCREL, Computing Department, Lancaster University, UK
6. Deadline for the submission of abstracts
May 10, 2006
7. Please email the abstract of paper to info@trans.ccidnet.com
8. Person to Contact for enquiries;
Yuan Qi (yq@trans.ccidnet.com)
9. Workshop registration Fee:
RMB 600Yuan (Inclusive of Tea-breaks, Lunch and workshop proceedings)
Papers can be written either in Chinese or English.
Dr. Scott Songlin Piao
Computing Department
Lancaster University
Lancaster LA1 4WA
United Kingdom