what"s the difference between corpus and corpora?


is corpus is the plural form of corpora? then shall i say "the corpora of CET4 AND CET6" and " this corpus" or "these corpora?
"Corpora" is the plural form of "corpus", and you may also find some people use "corpuses" as the plural form of "corpus".
"the corpora of CET4 AND CET6" and " this corpus" or "these corpora?

If you regard the datasets of CET4 and CET6 as two separate things, it is OK to say "the corpora of CET-4 and CET-6".

"This corpus" and "these corpora" are correct.
回复: what"s the difference between corpus and corpora?

Corpus semantics is an investigation of dialect and a system for semantic dissection which utilizes an accumulation of regular or ``real word'' writings known as corpus

Corpora is an universal, companion inspected diary of corpus semantics concentrating on the numerous and differed employments of corpora both in phonetics and past