[求助]关于Multi-dimensional approach application的文献资料


大家好!关于Biber MDA 模式已经在各个方面得以应用,各位谁有这方面文章的,能否拿来分享一下呢?本人不胜感激!具体地说主要有:
Atkinson,Dwight.1992. The Evolution of Medical Research Writing from 1735 to 1985: the case of the Edinburgh Medical Journal. Applied Linguistics13:337-74[/i
___1993. A Historiscal Discourse Analysis of Scientific Research Writing from1675 to 1975 Ph.D.diss., Univerisity of Southern California.

Biber,D.1991. Oral and Literate Charateristics of Selected Primary School Reading Materials. Text
___1995. Dimensions of Register Variation: A Cross-linguistic Comparison. Cambriadge University Press

Biber,D and Edward Finegan,1989. Drift abd Evolution of English Style: A History of
Three Genres. Language65:487-517
____.1992. The Linguistic Evolution of Five Written and Speech-based English Genres from the 17th to the 20th Centuries. edited by Matti Rissannen et al

Biber,D and Mohamed Hared.1992. Dimensions of Register Variation in Somali. Language Variation and Changes

Connor-Linton, Jeff.1988. Author's Style and World-view in Nuclear Discourse: A Quantitative Analysis. Multilingual
Conrad,S.1994. Variation in Academic Writing: Textbooks and Rearch Articles across Disciplines. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Ameican Association of Applied Linguistics.
Conrad,S and D.Biber2001 Variation in English: multi-dimensional Studies. Cambridge, UK

Reppen, R.1994. Variation in Elementary Student Writing: Ph.D. diss., Northern Ariaona University.

thank you again!