我好像不是很同意您的观点。若按您的理解,那如何看待这些论断:“Corpus-based researsh has not surprisingly tended to be mainly concerned with the distribution of forms rather than with semantic aspects of language" Kennedy 2000: 276 还有”The second lurking assumption is that linguistic theory proper is restricted to a particular set of formal relationships...Texts not exist for the sake of the form, but in order to communicate meaning.....“....还有Biber2000 在开始便声明了他在本书将研究language use, 而都是用语料库的方法。您所说的是否是那个对语料库的误解:其实表面上语料库注重形式,实际上这只是表面现象。而实质上它的核心在语言运用和语义的探索。 这只是我的理解,请您指正。多谢