求助:如何安装lexa ?


我在我们图书馆下载了clec的语料库,里面提供了四个工具,lexa, tact,wsmith,my finder.但是我安装的lexa 总是不成功。在lexa工具中,提供了7个压缩文件,命名为lexadi-1,lexadi-2......lexadi-7.zip,我看了一下,其中lexadi-1是安装文件,2-7应该是数据的。在1里面有个安装lx-inst.exe,我点了,装出来的东西总觉得不伦不类,不能用。里面还有个安装说明,我贴出来大家看看
this is Raymond Hickey's LEXA Corpus processing Software version 6.

To install the files, fetch the .ZIP files (as BINARY) and uncompress each
of them to empty diskettes with commands like:

PKUNZIP -d c:lexadi_1 (etc. for file 2-7)

Then put diskette no. 1 in A: and enter A:INSTALL

The update manual file (223 pages), update-manual.w51, is also a binary file,
the rest of the files are text files.

After installing the programs, last minute information is included
in the file LAST_MIN.ASC. This file can be viewed (and printed by F8)
with the command ED LAST_MIN.ASC

Manuals (either the 223 pages update manual or the complete set
(4 volumes 982 pages) and diskettes can be ordered, see file order-form.txt).

If you are a current user of LEXA and if you fetch the new version, please
send a note to icame@hd.uib.no, so we can update our records.

The author can be reached at the following address:

Raymond Hickey,
Department of English,
University of Essen,
Universitaetsstr. 12,
D-45117 ESSEN
Tel. +49 201 183 3441
Fax. +49 201 183 3437
E-mail. R.Hickey@hrz.uni-essen.de

Norwegian Computing Centre for the Humanities,
Harald Haarfagres gt. 31, N-5007 Bergen, Norway

Phone: +47 55 212954/5/6, Fax: +47 55 322656, E-mail: icame@hd.uib.no

Contents of LEXA directory:

0read.me 2095 21.06.95 12:15 This file
lexa-info.txt 41095 21.06.95 11:45 Lexa info and order form
lexa-update.txt 16371 21.06.95 11:45 Version 6 info and order form
lexadi_1.zip 459340 21.06.95 11:45 Lexa diskette no. 1
lexadi_2.zip 596157 21.06.95 11:46 Lexa diskette no. 2
lexadi_3.zip 619111 21.06.95 11:46 Lexa diskette no. 3
lexadi_4.zip 584911 21.06.95 11:46 Lexa diskette no. 4
lexadi_5.zip 605155 21.06.95 11:46 Lexa diskette no. 5
lexadi_6.zip 619772 21.06.95 11:46 Lexa diskette no. 6
lexadi_7.zip 435701 21.06.95 11:46 Lexa diskette no. 7
order-form.txt 2415 21.06.95 11:45 Lexa order form
update-manual.zip 184178 22.06.95 11:11 Update manual in WordPerfect 5.1
