hancunxin Moderator 2007-01-31 #1 求文章一篇(如下),恳请坛内C友相助! "Utterly content in each other's company": Semantic prosody and semantic preference [J]. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 9:131-156.
求文章一篇(如下),恳请坛内C友相助! "Utterly content in each other's company": Semantic prosody and semantic preference [J]. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 9:131-156.
oscar3 高级会员 2007-01-31 #2 回复: 求语义韵文章一篇 正好有这篇文章。 附件 Utterly content in each other's company Semantic prosody and semantic preference.pdf 186.2 KB · 浏览: 113
laohong 管理员 Staff member 2007-02-01 #4 回复: 求语义韵文章一篇 ^_^ 啊,撞车了,不过总比那些光说不练假把式好多了。贴个图纪念一哈。 另:为减少服务器负担,把我的那篇删掉了。 Last edited: 2007-02-27