求文章 On deriving complex polysemy: the grammaticalization of get

求文章 On deriving complex polysemy: the grammaticalization of get
English Language and Linguistics 1999,3: 1-39

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Great thanks to Laohong. Thanks for your prompt reply and help!
回复: 求文章 On deriving complex polysemy: the grammaticalization of get

Got the file from Laohong's space and a reminder again for other C-pals: use IE instead of Firefox.
回复: 求文章 On deriving complex polysemy: the grammaticalization of get

Gronemeyer,Claire. On deriving complex polysemy: the grammaticalization of get. English Language and Linguistics 1999,3(1): 1-39.
回复: 求文章 On deriving complex polysemy: the grammaticalization of get

Thanks alot for sharing this information here,this is really useful in all ways.