
"The activity of business communication--Table manner" is the name of my graduate thesis. It concludes four parts:
First, the importance of tabble manner
Second, definition of tabble manner
Third, supports (sucessful and unsucessful) and mark its cites
Fourth, conclusion
I hope you will send some information to me if you know something about it. My E-mail is chiyunxue6688@126.com. Thanks!
回复: 求助

Is there something wrong with my expression? I absolutely can not find some successful and unsuccessful cases about "table manner". Why did you say so?I am really confused. Can you say it clearly or give me some advice? Thanks!
回复: 求助

Please read this first:

Then, rephrase your post to give the following info:
1. Are you proposing a research project for BA, MA or PhD thesis?
2. For a degree of Applied Linguistics, Business Management, or something else?
3. Corpus-based or else?
4. What are the research questions you are trying to answer? And why is it so important to answer these questions?
5. In what way to answer these research questions?
6. ...

And fianlly, most importanly:
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