L lisle915519 2007-07-15 #1 请问A Grammar of Contemporary English of Quirk et al. 72版与85版的主要差别在哪些方面?我现在手头上只能找的72版的,但我发现大多书用的参考书目是85版的.望赐教,本人将不胜感激!
请问A Grammar of Contemporary English of Quirk et al. 72版与85版的主要差别在哪些方面?我现在手头上只能找的72版的,但我发现大多书用的参考书目是85版的.望赐教,本人将不胜感激!
清风出袖 高级会员 2007-07-15 #2 回复: A Grammar of Contemporary English of Quirk et al. 72版与85版的差别大吗? 85 version of the book is a milestone and much upto date of the version of 72 one.
回复: A Grammar of Contemporary English of Quirk et al. 72版与85版的差别大吗? 85 version of the book is a milestone and much upto date of the version of 72 one.
L lisle915519 2007-07-16 #3 回复: A Grammar of Contemporary English of Quirk et al. 72版与85版的差别大吗? thank you for your help.
清风出袖 高级会员 2007-07-17 #4 回复: A Grammar of Contemporary English of Quirk et al. 72版与85版的差别大吗? lately avalaible longman grammar of wrriten and spoken english could be viwed as the up-to-date version of 85' a grammar of contemporary english of quirk et. al..
回复: A Grammar of Contemporary English of Quirk et al. 72版与85版的差别大吗? lately avalaible longman grammar of wrriten and spoken english could be viwed as the up-to-date version of 85' a grammar of contemporary english of quirk et. al..
L lisle915519 2007-07-22 #5 回复: A Grammar of Contemporary English of Quirk et al. 72版与85版的差别大吗? thank you for your futher help.