Multilingual Corpora
Synonyms: multilinguale Korpora, corpus multilingue
Definition: Any collection of more than one text in more than one language can be called a multilingual corpus, (corpus being Latin for "body", hence a multilingual corpus is any body of multilingual texts). But the term "multilingual corpus" when used in the context of modern linguistics means a machine-readable text collection of multilingual texts which are representative for the language use under investigation.
Synonyms: multilinguale Korpora, corpus multilingue
Definition: Any collection of more than one text in more than one language can be called a multilingual corpus, (corpus being Latin for "body", hence a multilingual corpus is any body of multilingual texts). But the term "multilingual corpus" when used in the context of modern linguistics means a machine-readable text collection of multilingual texts which are representative for the language use under investigation.