求助 相关文献综述

求助英语口语和书面语的重要性 词汇特点比较 相关方面的网站 文献综述 谢谢各位好心人
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Literature reviews are not in use gravely sometimes. But, they are a significant element of any dissertation writing, and can ruin overall idea if badly written. A lot of people have forever thought that dissertation is the synonym of a cemetery for young and struggling scholars. You will require to group jointly and compare and contrast the unreliable opinions of different writers on sure topics.
回复: 求助 相关文献综述

Yes,most of the literature review sites will be probably helping to come up with in a useful way.so try to get utize it in a best way.
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A literature review demonstrates to your reader that you are able to:

Understand and critically analyse the background research
Select and source the information that is necessary to develop a context for your research
It also:

Shows how your investigation relates to previous research
Reveals the contribution that your investigation makes to this field (fills a gap, or builds on existing research, for instance)
Provides evidence that may help explain your findings later
If you are doing a thesis, dissertation, or a long report it is likely that you will need to include a literature review. If you are doing a lab write-up or a shorter report, some background reading may be required to give context to your work, but this is usually included as an analysis in the introduction and discussion sections.

Some quality literature review sites would help you to come up with good literature review.
回复: 求助 相关文献综述

Some literature review sites are good enough for academical writing task. So try to find a best site for your work. But don't completely depends on the service. So try to find a topic from your self.