有两个 ACE Corpus,一个是 The Australian Corpus of English (ACE) ,一个是 Automatic Content Extraction (ACE) 。 估计Hellson 要找的是第二个。
The Australian Corpus of English (ACE)
The Australian Corpus of English (ACE) was compiled in the department of Linguistics at Macquarie University NSW Australia, from 1986 on. It was supported by a small grant 1988-9 from the Australian Research Grants Council, and by a series of grants from Macquarie University. http://khnt.hit.uib.no/icame/manuals/ace/INDEX.HTM
Automatic Content Extraction (ACE)
The objective of the ACE program is to develop automatic content extraction technology to support automatic processing of human language in text form. The program is devoted to three sources types. These are namely newswire, broadcast news (with text derived from ASR), and newspaper (with text derived from OCR). ACE technology R&D is aimed at supporting various classification, filtering, and selection applications by extracting and representing language content (i.e., the meaning conveyed by the data). Thus the ACE program requires the development of technologies that automatically detect and characterize this meaning. http://www.nist.gov/speech/tests/ace/
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