University of Sydney Papers in TESOL--Call for Papers for Volume 3, 2008


University of Sydney Papers in TESOL

Call for Papers for Volume 3, 2008

The University of Sydney Papers in TESOL is a peer-reviewed journal. It is published by the TESOL Program, Faculty of Education and Social Work, the University of Sydney, Australia.

The University of Sydney Papers in TESOL is dedicated to the understanding of TESOL research broadly defined. It is fundamentally concerned with theoretical and methodological issues of contemporary TESOL and TESOL related research.

Manuscripts considered for publication will be reviewed by the members of the Editorial Board for their presentation, analysis, expert use of appropriate research methods, and rigorous development of theories relevant to problems in TESOL studies.

The University of Sydney Papers in TESOL publishes research articles that: (1) are within the area of TESOL; (2) appeal to the general interests of its readership; and (3) meet the basic requirements for articles published in the journal.

The University of Sydney Papers in TESOL is currently accepting manuscripts for review for Volume 3 2008 issue (June 2008). The deadline for submission is February 29, 2008.

Further information for contributors and previous published issues can be found at:

We are looking forward to receiving your manuscript and your contribution to this journal. Please feel free to contact Aek Phakiti if you have further query regarding a manuscript submission.

Best wishes,

Aek Phakiti

Dr. Aek Phakiti
Lecturer in TESOL
Faculty of Education and Social Work
University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2006
Phone: (61 2) 9351 6312
Fax: (61 2) 9351 2606