
structure deficiency: error in the grammatical construction of a sentence:improper splitting,pattern shifting,confusing strcture,etc.
[FONT=宋体]Because[/FONT][FONT=宋体] Chinese eat less sugar than many other countries in the world .[ sn8 s] [/FONT][FONT=宋体]That's why Chinese have healthy white teeth. But people in the western world do not eat such healthy foods.[/FONT]​

[FONT=宋体] They also eat too much sugar, that is make​
[FONT=宋体]they have bad teeth .[ sn8 s] So I considered people eat much Chinese foods and do enough exercise, [sn8,s]then you can't became fat.[/FONT]​

[FONT=宋体]If you are thin, you can eat hamburgar [fm1,-], chocolater [fm1,-], sugar and so on. But don't eat much more, [ sn8 s​
[FONT=宋体]] because it is bad for your teeth. Both fat person [np6,2-] and thin person [np6,2-] are [wd5,1-1] need energy[/FONT]​
[FONT=宋体]I advise people [wd4,s]eat enough fat and sugar. Don't worry about put on weight or bad teeth.[ sn8 s] Bad teeth are not by the food .[sn8,s] Now you must know hamburger is not so bad. It's rich[/FONT]​
[FONT=宋体]Some of my friend [np3,3-] often went cycling very [wd5,1-1] much. In order that, [ sn8[/FONT]][FONT=宋体]s]Dad bought me a bike. From then on, I began to learn cycling. But, I often hurt myself when I[/FONT]​

[FONT=宋体]funniest thing is that I didn't know was I laughing for .[sn8[/FONT][FONT=宋体],s] That's my story, do you think is funny? [ sn8 s][/FONT]​
还有[FONT=宋体][ sn8 s]表示本句有错,[FONT=宋体][ sn8 s-]本处有错,哪么[/FONT][FONT=宋体][ sn8 7-5] ,[FONT=宋体][ sn8 -4],[FONT=宋体][ sn8 6-0],[FONT=宋体][ sn8 -s]分别表示什么?[/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]

