asking for "McCarthy, M.J. and Carter, R.A. (2002) 'This, that and the other"

McCarthy, M.J. and Carter, R.A. (2002) 'This, that and the other. Multi-word clusters in spoken English as visible patterns of interaction', TEANGA (2002) (Yearbook of the Irish Association for Applied Linguistics) 21: 30-52

Does anyone has it and could share it with us?

Dr Xiaoz, do you have it? Or, could you get hold of it?

Thank you, all.
回复: asking for "McCarthy, M.J. and Carter, R.A. (2002) 'This, that and the other"

I've read your article. A very good one, giving me lots of inspirations.
Partly because of the rise of corpus linguistics, multi-word chunks are receiving more and more attention. Emergency theory may account for their recurrency, yet what makes them emergent? May they be pragmatically driven?

I don't quite understand emergency theory. Could you recommend any references?

Thank you, Dr Xu.
回复: asking for "McCarthy, M.J. and Carter, R.A. (2002) 'This, that and the other"

TEANGA 可以找到1994-1996年的,2002年的找不到。
回复: asking for "McCarthy, M.J. and Carter, R.A. (2002) 'This, that and the other"

I've read your article. A very good one, giving me lots of inspirations.
Partly because of the rise of corpus linguistics, multi-word chunks are receiving more and more attention. Emergency theory may account for their recurrency, yet what makes them emergent? May they be pragmatically driven?

I don't quite understand emergency theory. Could you recommend any references?

Thank you, Dr Xu.

The earliest mention of emergent grammar to linguistics is Hopper (1987), but he actually borrowed the term from Clifford (1986).
回复: asking for "McCarthy, M.J. and Carter, R.A. (2002) 'This, that and the other"


2.0 演进语法与演进属性
演进这个概念本来并非用来形容语法和语言的。起先它是历史学家James Clifford(1986)用来说明文化的特性的。Mathews(1997)在《牛津语言学词典》中的解释更加概括,其中把“演进”定义为一种由许多个体的单个行为产生某种结构或变化的过程。就语言而言,语言系统是经由言语社团中的无数个体的言语活动共同作用产生的。
下面我们介绍一下演进语法学说(Weber(1997)称之为“演进语法假说”)的主要观点。首先演进语法并非语法,就像语料库语言学并不被认为是语言学一样。准确地说,它应该是一种语言观。它的提出主要是要反对以Chomsky为代表的所谓“笛卡儿语言学”——认为语言结构和系统是一种先验的理性的抽象实体,是理想的说话人和听话人的语言能力(Chomsky, 1965)。这种天赋的语言能力独立于人们的日常语言使用。这种语言观对语言结构和意义的解释自然就会是一种规约性的,认为语言结构和意义是固定的和稳定的。
作为批判以Chomsky为代表的形式主义的一种功能主义学说,演进语法从本质上来说是我们对语言认识的一种深化和扩展。它是美国学者卡耐基?梅隆大学的Paul Hopper教授1987年撰文第一次正式提出的。他提出的演进语法的概念,如前所述其本身并非一个严密的语法体系,只是认识话语和语言的一种全新视角。自该文发表以来他的演进语法的概念并未有大的变化,其1998年的同名文章基本上就是1987年文章的翻版。Paul Hopper本人是研究语法化的一位大家,同Traugott一起合著了《语法化学说》一书。他将演进语法作为其语法化研究的一个重要观点不断加以发展,特别是在北美地区得到很多同行的认可。出现了很多支持他的论文,最有代表性的是2001年他和Joan Bybee合编的一本论文集,集中了赞成演进语法的一些主要学者的观点。
Hopper的演进语法完全借用了Clifford对文化的演进属性的解释,即语言是“时间性的、演进的和有争议的”的社会现象。所以说Paul Hopper对语言的认识,换言之,他的演进语言观的核心思想正是语言的时间性、演进性和争议性。
值得一提的是,Hopper借用Clifford的这3个概念与法国哲学家Jacques Derrida在《结构、符号及人文科学话语中的嬉戏》(Structure, Sign, and the Play in the Discourse of Human Sciences)和《延异》(Différance)这两篇论文中提出的解构主义理论颇为暗合。Derrida提出的“延异说”指出结构和意义相对于语言符号总是有时间上的延迟和空间上的差异存在。他举例说différer这个法语单词,既有英语中differ的意思,也有英语中defer的意思。前者表示空间上的不同,后者表示时间上的不同。这两个不同的意思共有一个读音。différer这个动词对应的名词形式différence因而无法完整表达différer的两层含义,所以Derrida造了différance这个词,进而说明符号结构的差异性和不稳定性。Derrida在这里的目的主要是要颠覆西方经典哲学中的二元对立。其直接批判的就是当时十分兴盛的以Saussure为代表的结构主义学说。Derrida要取消Saussure所谓“能指”(signifier)和“所指”(signified)以及“语言”(langue)和“言语”(parole)等等这些二元对立。他的解构过程的第一步就是颠覆前述的一些二元对立,认为我们不应认为语言高于言语,或者说抽象的能指高于具体的所指。他认为这些二元之间的关系原本就是不存在的,在对应和表述关系上这里的所谓二元是一种延异关系,是一种不断动态发展的关系。Derrida的这种观点与Hopper和Clifford所提出的演进观本质上可以说讲的是一回事,只是各自要解决的问题不同罢了。所以说一个新学说的产生不是一个孤立现象,往往是不同学科之间的互相汲取和借鉴。
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关于emergent grammar的翻译,我现在倒是更倾向于张伯江的“动态浮现语法”了。



Barlow, M. & Kemmer, S. (Eds.). (1999). Usage-based Models of Language. Stanford: CSLI Publications.
Biq, Yung-O. 2003. People, Things and Stuff.
Bybee, Joan, and Paul Hopper. 2001. Introduction. Frequency and the Emergence of Linguistic Structure, ed. by Bybee and Hopper. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Bybee, Joan. Impact of use on representation grammar is usage and usage is grammar
Bybee, Joan. 1998. The emergent lexicon. Chicago Linguistic Society 34:421-435.
Bybee, Joan. 2001. Phonology and Language Use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Gregg, Kevin. 2003. The state of emergentism in second language acquisition. Second Language Research 19,2: 95–128.
Hopper, Paul J. 1987. Emergent Grammar. Berkeley Linguistic Society 13:139-157.
Hopper, Paul J. 1998. Emergent Grammar. In The New Psychology of Language: Cognitive and Functional Approaches to Language Structure, ed. by Michael Tomasello, 155-175. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Hopper, Paul J., and Elizabeth C. Traugott. 1993. Grammaticalization. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Huang, Shuanfan. 1998. Emergent lexical semantics. Selected Papers from the Second International Symposium on Languages in Taiwan, ed. by S. Huang, 129-150.
Huang, Shuanfan. 1999. The emergence of a grammatical category definite article in spoken Chinese. Journal of Pragmatics 31:77-94.
Larsen-Freeman, Diane. 2003. Teaching Language: From grammar to Grammaring.
MacWhinney, Brian. 1999. The Emergence of Language.
Tao, Hongyin. 2003. Toward an Emergent View of Lexical Semantics. Language and Linguistics 4.4:837-856.
回复: asking for "McCarthy, M.J. and Carter, R.A. (2002) 'This, that and the other"

Thank you again, Dr Xu, for being so generous by sharing with us your unfinished paper.

I always wonder how you could have read and known so much? :confused:
