
我找到BYU Online corpus想用语料库检索一下经济语篇中的概念隐喻,我想根据Lakoff的分类(war, journey...)找出具体事例作数字统计,对比经济语篇中概念隐喻的表达方式在1990-2007年中的变化来讨论人们对某一概念理解及表达的变化,但苦于自己对语料库使用一无所知,不知道怎样检索来实现以上的目的,有哪位能帮帮忙指点一下吗?无比感谢
回复: 紧急求助:怎样用语料库检索概念隐喻

You cannot get any metaphors (either linguistic metaphors, grammatical or conceptual metaphors) directly from a corpus like BNC. You need a corpus annotated with metaphors for that purpose. Alice Deignan has done some research in this area, search Google to get some information.
回复: 紧急求助:怎样用语料库检索概念隐喻

thank you for you help, I have search some texts about her, and I am trying to get in touch with Ms Deignan to ask about her corpus on metaphor.