metadiscourse/stance studies on oral English

It seems that metadiscourse/stance study tends to be based on written language. What are the reasons?

Is there any such research on oral English, apart from Schiffrin (1980)? Well, spoken English is full of metadiscourse.
回复: metadiscourse/stance studies on oral English

hi, I'm also insterested in the topic of metadiscourse, maybe we can share with each other.

I happen to encounter a book which might interest you: University language : a corpus-based study of spoken and written registers by Biber, Douglas.(2006).
回复: metadiscourse/stance studies on oral English

It is really my interest, that is study the metadiscourse in oral text. But there is an embrassing problem that what the distinction between metadiscourse and discourse markers is.
I am still struggling in distinguishing the two terminologies. Are there any suggestions for me?
Thank for any reply.