wordsmith4, 想每十行显示一个索引项应该怎么操作呢?

在adjust settings里面设置就可以了。点击adjust settings,选concord板块,然后将Entries wanted per search-word里面的参数设成10,选中右边的save,最后点击“OK”。这样检索出的就只有十行了。我以COLSEC为例,检索词为have/has/had/having,得出的结果导出后如下(44 characters):
1 even mm even even he had classes that time.
2 higher, so but if you had climbed to the top
3 xcellent as I have had imagine. So after
4 t er now er I had no?­had no chance to go on
5 ke it but er now er I had no?­had no chance
6 ologies the hospital had s had suppliers
7 the hospital had s had suppliers with m
8 . OK. What change has had the greatest influ
9 1980. What change has had the greatest influ
10 doing Taiji Quan you had to er get up early
11 n campus life. And it has a close relationsh
12 gram for you to watch has a long process to
13 nt way. And everybody has a radio. It's very
14 mics, every dormitory has a television and s
15 oday I think internet has a very very bright
16 like our dormitory we has computer too. So w
17 e. En first newspaper has its its own advant
18 per. And I think 21st has special value mai
19 go to bed or want to has study . If you wat
20 nd listen to what *** has to say. Yes, th
21 Now ***, yes. Do you have access to the int
22 m a junior student. I have learned English
23 lunch time we always have lunch in our dorm
24 en you go to going to have lunch, or you exe
25 first of all that we have not very convenie
26 and each of you will have one and a half mi
27 knowledge person, you have to establish your
28 ally very useful, you have to ??? for our?­
29 Ok, thank you. I have to interrupt you.
30 and why? En yes, I have very easy access
31 ildren, maybe because having a baby means re
32 easons. Mm I think having a hobby will su
33 ***, er do you think having a hobby will af
34 Mr. ***, do you think having a hobby will af
35 ***, erm do you think having a hobby will af
36 heir jobs. So I think having baby in the ear
37 mm since we have edu having educated for tw
38 e a regular life, and having enough exercise
39 xpensive. People are having not much comput
40 raged. Also, er mm having these common ho
回复: wordsmith4, 想每十行显示一个索引项应该怎么操作呢?

我照Brainstorming的办法做了,把Entries wanted per search-word里面的参数改成了10,可是出来的索引项并不是每十条显示一条,而只是显示了10条, 这个语料是BNC,而且能确定的是所有的索引项不止10条. 所以也不知道是怎么回事?请各位帮帮忙:)
回复: wordsmith4, 想每十行显示一个索引项应该怎么操作呢?

我想2楼的做法是错误的! 那样做就等于你想找出含有每个检索词的前10个索引行.所以, 按照你的设置, 用你的四个检索词has/have/had/having进行检索,就会得到总共40个检索行, 每个检索词出现的各占10个检索行.
回复: wordsmith4, 想每十行显示一个索引项应该怎么操作呢?

在WST4.0 concord板块中,Entries wanted per search-word里面的参数默认值为2147483647,它是指WST4.0对任意一个检索词所能检索到的检索行数量的最大值. 就像WST3.0中所能得到的含任何一个检索词的检索行的最大数量为16368一样. 它并不是可以用于抽样的设置数.
回复: wordsmith4, 想每十行显示一个索引项应该怎么操作呢?

如果想对检索行进行自动抽样, 例如想每十行显示一条索引行,可用如下设置: settings->adjust settings-> Concord ->勾选 at random前的方框,并在1 in下面的方框内选10->OK, 然后返回Concord主页面进行常规检索即可.
回复: wordsmith4, 想每十行显示一个索引项应该怎么操作呢?

如果想对检索行进行自动抽样, 例如想每十行显示一条索引行,可用如下设置: settings->adjust settings-> Concord ->勾选 at random前的方框,并在1 in下面的方框内选10->OK, 然后返回Concord主页面进行常规检索即可.