E/C & C/E Translation Corpus Suite (TCS)


This corpus suite (TCS) was designed to help English/Chinese (E/C) and Chinese/English (C/E) translators and terminologists to locate equivalent terms and new words in Chinese and English and equivalent/idiomatic translations between the two languages, as well as helping linguists and Translation Studies researchers to study E/C and C/E translation. It consists of a term bank, a new words corpus, and a translation corpus. You can key in either Chinese or English in the search box to find relevant information. TCS's search engine supports wildcard file searches. The wildcard character accepted by the engine is "%", which can be used in place of a stretch of text of any length within a field. To facilitate search for other categories of information, a cross-corpus full-text search box is also provided on this page.

The suite is now in its test stage. For each search session the displayed search results will be limited to 100. Any comments or suggestions are welcome and should be addressed to keping00ATyahoo.com.

trial link:

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