ConcGram 1.0 A phraseological search engine Chris Greaves


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ConcGram 1.0 A phraseological search engine

Chris Greaves
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Studies in Corpus Linguistics Software 1

2009. CD-Rom
Publishing status: Printing

CD-ROM – Not yet available
978 90 272 4027 9 / EUR 45.00 / USD 68.00
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ConcGram 1.0 is a corpus linguistics software package which is specifically designed to find all the co-occurrences of words in a text or corpus irrespective of variation. The software finds the co-occurrences fully automatically, in other words, the user inputs no prior search commands. These co-occurrences are termed ‘concgrams’ and include instances of both constituency variation (increase in expenditure, increase in the share of public expenditure) and positional variation (expenditure would inevitably increase). ConcGram 1.0 is therefore uniquely suited to uncovering the full phraseological profile of a text or corpus. In addition to this principal function, ConcGram 1.0 allows the user to nominate concgram searches, and it also has the more traditional functions associated with corpus linguistics software.

The software comes with a detailed online manual in a PDF file, which explains all of the functions and includes a user-friendly tutorial. In addition, the manual includes a discussion of the theoretical issues underpinning the development of the software and the implications of concgramming for the study of phraseology (Why Concgram? by Martin Warren).

The software has a wide range of applications in the fields of Corpus Linguistics, Critical Discourse Analysis, Discourse Analysis, Lexicology, Lexicography, Pragmatics and Semantics.

Table of contents



Chapter 1. ConcGram List Builder

Chapter 2. Selecting a text or corpus to interrogate

Chapter 3. Getting started with ConcGram

Chapter 4. Managing the lists

Chapter 5. Using the Configuration List Boxes

Chapter 6. Automatic searches from specified words

Chapter 7. Statistical tests

Chapter 8. User nominated searches with ConcGram

Appendix. ConcGram Tutorial 1


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回复: ConcGram 1.0 A phraseological search engine Chris Greaves

This is a good tool, Dr.Xu,can you introduce more similar tools to us?
回复: ConcGram 1.0 A phraseological search engine Chris Greaves

There is a copy of this software in our library.
回复: ConcGram 1.0 A phraseological search engine Chris Greaves

Dr. Xu are always well-informed! Sounds to be good tools. But it is unavailable now, even a DEMO version. What a pity!
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回复: ConcGram 1.0 A phraseological search engine Chris Greaves
