H huanglf 2009-03-24 #1 [FONT=新細明體]已购买ICE-GB [/FONT][FONT=新細明體] 请问如何使用unannotated version 并用于WordSmith 4 做分析 谢谢 [/FONT]
xujiajin 管理员 Staff member 2009-03-24 #2 回复: ICE-GB unannotated 所附的ICE-CUP软件应该有导出raw text的功能,你得找一下。这个该死的ICE-CUP很不友好。
laohong 管理员 Staff member 2009-03-24 #3 回复: ICE-GB unannotated I did extract out the plain texts some ten years ago. I believe you can figure out how to do it.
回复: ICE-GB unannotated I did extract out the plain texts some ten years ago. I believe you can figure out how to do it.