回复: 欢迎加入系统功能语言学论坛!
1. C坛讨论的basics 或etiquettes要补课. username无需再先生女士了.Xusun575或xusun即可; joe也是一样,谁也不会介意你是male or female.
2. you should have known the gender of the author by judging his wording or diction but u didn't. joe在坛子里泡了这么久, 理应有点语感了.
A matter of online identity, forget it
3. Matthiessen:Yes, it's interesting; and I often hear people who're not familiar with SFL saying that they're interesting in "systematic functional linguistics". 从回答来看,你提交的不是我的问题呵.

是他理解有误? 这种可能是存在的.要知道,与老外打交道时,俺作为中国人,总有一种IQ上的优越感呢.
The answer is in the part you didn't quote 
4. 别人若参与讨论,能给你加分吗?显然有失公平. 当然C坛也不是讨论SFL合适场所. 请转帖至相关论坛,一可聚一聚人气,二或许能促进国内英语界对普通语言学或SFL的作出贡献呢.
I am not really concerned with the grade, just for humor. On the other hand, if people can join in the discussion, we can reach a better understanding, possibly a less unfair one, can't we?
Good suggestion. I'll link it to Sysfunc.

Theorists tend to make simple things complicated, don't they?
Philosophers are the extremists in this regard
6. 你好象还是没有完全回答我的问题奥...
I can't represent all the systemic researchers in China since I am not somebody. So it's better to leave the question for open discussion.
又: 上贴中pulmanary为"pulmonary"之误.[/SIZE][/QUOTE]
noticed with thanks