* EasyRef: http://atoll.inria.fr/easyrefpub/ ("is a prototype of web
service to handle (view, edit, import, export, bug reports) syntactic
annotations (for the French EASy and PASSAGE formats)")
* GATE: http://gate.ac.uk/ ("has many (but not all) of the features
you are looking for"),
http://mmax2.sourceforge.net/ (recommended by a couple of people)
* SACODEYL Annotator:
http://www.um.es/sacodeyl/en/pages/software.htm#annotator ("is perfect
for manual annotation. It's desktop at the moment (exciteing plans for
the future, though). It's open source, TEI - XML")
* Synpathy:
("free and open", but "closed" in terms of development and maintenance)
* TrEd: http://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/~pajas/tred/ ("is a highly customizable
open source toolkit for manual and/or semi automatic annotation,
usable both for constituency and dependency trees")
* WordFreak: http://wordfreak.sourceforge.net/
service to handle (view, edit, import, export, bug reports) syntactic
annotations (for the French EASy and PASSAGE formats)")
* GATE: http://gate.ac.uk/ ("has many (but not all) of the features
you are looking for"),
http://mmax2.sourceforge.net/ (recommended by a couple of people)
* SACODEYL Annotator:
http://www.um.es/sacodeyl/en/pages/software.htm#annotator ("is perfect
for manual annotation. It's desktop at the moment (exciteing plans for
the future, though). It's open source, TEI - XML")
* Synpathy:
("free and open", but "closed" in terms of development and maintenance)
* TrEd: http://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/~pajas/tred/ ("is a highly customizable
open source toolkit for manual and/or semi automatic annotation,
usable both for constituency and dependency trees")
* WordFreak: http://wordfreak.sourceforge.net/