Steve Urbach < <EMAILADDRESS> >, the qualified charlatan
who assists women in child birth, purred:
> On 13 Jan 2007 21:00:13 -0800, "Dr <EMAILADDRESS> $"
> < <EMAILADDRESS> > wrote:
>> Virtualmatter wrote:
>>> Hi, I know this isn't WinXp issue. However, Somedays (Not
>>> everyday). I got to hit the power button on my computer and it
>>> won't turn on. In order to fix the issue, I have to physically
>>> unplug it, flip the switch off and then on (I hear a "Zzz" sound,
>>> probably the last of the capasitors losing their charge). Then I
>>> plug it back in, and everything is fine. I'm not sure what the
>>> issue is. So I am hoping some of you could shed some light on the
>>> issue.
>>> Thanks in Advanced.
>>> ~Ty
>> It sounds like you may have a faulty ATX power supply unit. You could
>> always try replacing it, and if it doesn't resolve the issue then at
>> least you have a spare; or you could sell the old one on ebay if it's
>> in good condition.
> Do you have a laser printer that uses LPT1 (2 or 3)?
> Disconnect the LPT cable and see if startup problems go away.
> (had this one happen with *multiple* NCR S20 server boards. Flawed
> buffering design allows HP and other printer ready signals to leak
> onto the board power controls).
You need Occam's Razor shoved fair up your fucking arse, you duff cunt.
alt.usenet.kooks - Pierre Salinger Memorial Hook, Line & Sinker:
September 2005 and April 2006
"K-Man's particular genius, however, lies not merely in his humour,
but his ability to make posters who had previously seemed reasonably
well-balanced turn into foaming, frothing, death threat-uttering
maniacs" - Snarky, Demon Lord of Confusion
"remember that th [sic] head toecutter has quarter million confirmed
kadaitcha man kills ok" - the land surfer
Fuckwitted alt.atheism atheist to Kadaitcha Man:
"Imagine if I were to suggest "I have a prehensile tail". You
would, naturally, ask for evidence."
Kadaitcha Man in reply to fuckwitted alt.atheism atheist:
"Not at all. I would unquestionably accept your admission to being
a monkey."
Thou lackbeard. You talk greasily, your lips grow foul.