S stream 普通会员 2010-04-18 #1 大家好,我需要Leech, Geoffrey, et al..: 的一本书,不知各位谁有电子版的,不胜感激! Word frequencies in written and spoken English : based on the British National Corpus / by Geoffrey Leech, Paul Payson and Andrew Wilson. [monograph] . Harlow : Pearson Education, 2001..
大家好,我需要Leech, Geoffrey, et al..: 的一本书,不知各位谁有电子版的,不胜感激! Word frequencies in written and spoken English : based on the British National Corpus / by Geoffrey Leech, Paul Payson and Andrew Wilson. [monograph] . Harlow : Pearson Education, 2001..
xujiajin 管理员 Staff member 2010-04-18 #2 回复: 求Leech, Geoffrey,2001电子书 这个书其实不需要买,主要核心数据都在网上可以下载到。 http://ucrel.lancs.ac.uk/bncfreq/
S stream 普通会员 2010-04-20 #3 回复: 求Leech, Geoffrey,2001电子书Word frequencies in written and spoken English 多谢许老师出手相助!网上有这么多资源,但是往往是不知道到哪里找,还得好好学啊。
回复: 求Leech, Geoffrey,2001电子书Word frequencies in written and spoken English 多谢许老师出手相助!网上有这么多资源,但是往往是不知道到哪里找,还得好好学啊。
Forest 2010-04-26 #4 回复: 求Leech, Geoffrey,2001电子书Word frequencies in written and spoken English 也谢谢许博!
xujiajin 管理员 Staff member 2010-04-26 #5 回复: 求Leech, Geoffrey,2001电子书Word frequencies in written and spoken English 楼上的Avatar图片很好看。