
最近忙着毕业论文,语篇衔接层面的研究,其中涉及到语法衔接机制(如connector)的文献。之前也有关注这方面的研究,虽然做的人非常多。发现这样一个问题,很多人都会提到Quirk et al. (1985),但我把这本书翻了好几遍也没看到有connector的字眼,只有一章关于conjunction并且仅限于and、but、or等。之前Haiyang老师好像回答过这方面的问题,并做了个列表。但是我实在是不知道到底在这本书的哪个章节或哪几页中。烦请各位帮忙,或者给出相关章节的页码也行。感激不尽!
回复: 再问个connector的问题~~~~~

Here's a paragraph (from my MA thesis) about the terms proposed in the literature.

There’s no consensus on the term currently under investigation, in spite of
numerous studies of the usage pattern of connectors of students writings identified in the literature. Scholars have various preferences as to the choice of the word under investigation. The following terms have been used, more often than not, interchangeably by many authors. These terms include: conjuncts (Quirk et al.,1985: 631) , conjunctive adverbials (CAs) (Chen, 2006) , connective (Iten, 1998) conjunctive cohesive device (Field & Yip, 1992), cohesive device (Neuner, 1987), discourse connective (Rouchota, 1996), attitudinal disjuncts (Altenberg & Tapper, 1998); internal conjunctive cohesion device (ICCs) (Field & Yip, 1992),linking adverbials (Biber et al., 1999), logical connectors (Crewe, 1990: 316-317; Milton & Tsang, 1993: 239) , and connectors (Granger & Tyson, 1996). This thesis follows Granger and Tyson’s study and uses the name connectors.

Please cite as:
Ai, H. (2006). A corpus-based study of connectors: Research from the CAS Learner Corpus of English. Unpublished M.A. thesis, Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing.
回复: 再问个connector的问题~~~~~

感谢Haiyang老师的提点,还是要怪自己看书不够细致。昨晚偶然翻到相关章节了:Quirk et al. 1985: 634-636