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因为需要Susan Hunstion 的 Corpora in applied linguistics一书中提到的一篇会议文章,关于对比seminars and textbooks in Law方面的。
Wickens, P. 1998. 'Comparative analysis of the use of projecting clauses in pedagogic legal genres'. Paper read at the 25th Internatinal Systemic Functional Congress, University of Wales, Cardiff, July 1998.
因为需要Susan Hunstion 的 Corpora in applied linguistics一书中提到的一篇会议文章,关于对比seminars and textbooks in Law方面的。
Wickens, P. 1998. 'Comparative analysis of the use of projecting clauses in pedagogic legal genres'. Paper read at the 25th Internatinal Systemic Functional Congress, University of Wales, Cardiff, July 1998.